Community Safety
Community safety and crime prevention are at the heart of everything we do. Our team of experts offer free virtual presentations for any group or community that wants to know more about community safety. Our options are as follows:

Are you and your family cyber safe?
The internet and social media has become an amazing tool for connecting and educating. But with limited regulation, there is potential for privacy issues, bullying and criminal activity.
Through this program, we are not providing parents with information to catch their children doing something wrong, but to keep them safe from possible risks, online predators and provide them with tools for safe and responsible social media use.
Gang violence is a Calgary-wide issue.
Did you know that youth as young as Grade 5 are being approached for recruitment in Calgary?
This is not an intervention program. It is an educational opportunity to learn about prevention and current issues relating to gang violence and youth in Calgary.
These presentations are a collaborative initiative with our partners: the Calgary Police Service and the City of Calgary – who recognize that gang violence is an issue that requires broader community support, education and awareness.